Friday, January 8, 2010

Gone Crazy...

So, I was doing completely fine with the wait prior to returning back to work. But, since I have gone mad. This week my agency has been giving out a lot of referrals. Much more than I typically see in a month. But, all this excitement partnered with the fact the from 7:45am- 4pm Mon.-Fri. I have constant access to the internet I have become some sort of obsessive crazy person. I made what I call a crazy list after my social worker let me know she won't be able to give me an update on where I am until the end of next week. That basically means I have searched my agencies yahoo group and compiled all of the families that I know are ahead of me and broken them into groups... 0-12 months, 13-18 months, 13-24 months, 13-36 months. See CRAZY!!!
And, in reality (which is slowly soaking back into my brain) my list means nothing. My yahoo group does not have everyone on it that is with my agency and many people have not updated their info, and the overlapping requests actually become quite complicating. So, as my educated and intelligent brain begins to slowly take control from my crazy emotional brain I am gaining insight that we still probably have a few months to go. So, I am going to attempt to stop getting excited when there is mail in my inbox or my phone starts ringing and, be grateful that there is movement and we are getting closer.


Leslie said...

I promised myself that I wasn't going to get caught up with our "number" or "place" on the wait list but I can totally relate to what you are describing in your post. There are just way too many variables to consider in the whole process and I'm sure everyone at WACAP is going crazy trying to keep up with all of the referrals and paperwork. Thanks for describing what I have been wrestling with all week :-) We have been waiting since 10/23 for a child 2 or younger, either gender.

Zoe said...

It seems like it gets worse the closer it gets! It probably helps to keep re-setting your expectations, at least that's what I'm going to try and do. Then it will come as a wonderful surprise.

writex3 said...

Oh, I remember so well the absolute plunge I took into insanity. And it was worse the 2nd time around, and I thought I'd be so composed and collected! There's no use fighting it, let yourself go crazy. Adoption hormones.